January 23, 2015

Understanding Physician-Patient Communication

From the minute they check-in to being greeted by a nurse to meeting with the physician, positive patient relations are key. This is especially true for patients dealing with anxiety or doubts, as physicians are likely to receive the brunt of these negative emotions and concerns. After all, whether it’s a patient or a coworker, stress can greatly affect how one communicates or reacts to bad news.

Understanding how physicians can better relate to their patients is becoming so important that many organizations are offering emotional intelligence training, emphasizing the value of physician empathy. In order for a patient to trust the physician and their evaluations, for instance, it is vital that they trust the entire system, starting with the three core values of support, connection, and care.

There’s no denying that the physician-patient relationship has changed over the years, with patients playing a more prominent role in the decision-making than ever before. More and more, the decision making process is being shared. In spite of these changes, a patient’s confidence in their physician is becoming more and more important, especially when it comes to more imminent, stressful situations.

Consider end of life care, for instance, where choosing language carefully is as imperative as a patient trusting that their physician will stick by their side and has their best interest in mind. When it comes to more serious conversations like these, don’t worry about orchestrating a scripted, practiced conversation. Instead always remember the huge role physician empathy plays in a patient’s overall experience.

After all, beyond physician-patient communication, it’s human-human communication.

For more information on physician-patient communication, as well as custom solutions for improving communication within your own workforce, visit us at https://coorsleadership.com/.

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